If you listen to my podcast Healthy But Human you probably know by now that I’m a big advocate for adding balance into your health and wellness journey. After spending years of being restrictive with my food and workouts, I found myself struggling with body image issues, mental health and burnout. It wasn’t until I added in the piece I had been missing the whole time - balance - that I was able to stay consistent and actually enjoy my fitness journey!
That’s why in one of my latest episodes of the pod, I shared 3 tips I wish someone had told me when I first started my fitness journey but also in life overall!
Number one - there is NO such thing as having a perfect fitness journey! I know in the months leading up to summer, we can be hard on ourselves about how we look, what we can and cannot eat, what we do and don’t get done etc. It’s so incredibly important to know that you are enough no matter what you look like or what you accomplish and look for ways to balance taking care of your mind, body and spirit while still having fun and enjoying life.
Number two - if you struggle with food or workout guilt please know that we are ALL deserving of and require rest! Without rest days, or days where you slow down, it’s really hard to stay consistent with long-term goals. This is your reminder to give yourself grace and let yourself have a day where you just chill, watch Netflix, and eat some pizza.
If you’re struggling with feeling guilty, repeat these affirmations aloud:
Number three - we are always learning and growing, so embrace the journey! Life is ALL about the journey and NOT the destination. When you reach a goal, you might soak in the satisfaction of reaching a new milestone for a bit, but you might find yourself looking for the next thing soon after. Ultimately, what’s going to leave you feeling the most fulfilled is the actual process and all of the ups and downs it took to get to the top.
Take hiking for example… Yes, the view at the top is stunning but the bulk of your hiking day consists of memories and conversations with the people you went on the trek with.
The beauty of the journey is the story that you’ll be able to tell about the process and everything you learned throughout it. So it’s so important to stay grounded and take each step of the journey day by day and press into any discomfort or challenges that come up along the way.
It’s also important to remember that there is so much beauty in being a constant learner. Never stop learning my beautiful queen.
Everytime you invest in learning you’re investing in the future you!
I hope this big sis advice was helpful! Allow yourself to have ease and rest, enjoy the journey, and always remember that regardless of what you do and where you’re headed, you are enough!
If you still haven’t listened to the latest podcast episode I encourage you to check it out either via my podcast or if you’re a visual person I also post episodes on my YouTube channel.
xx, Cal
P.S. Leave a comment if you're investing in your future self and giving yourself a rest day!!